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Python + Scapy: Some useful functions/properties

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While developing some tasks for a course I’m taking on Computer Security, I had some trouble figuring out how to work with Scapy and Python.

This post is somewhat a record for myself for future reference.
Hopefully it can be useful to someone else =)
I may update this in the future (or not).

# Reads a pcap capture file
pkts = rdpcap("file.pcap")

# Shows packets contents
for pkt in pkts:
    print '=' * 78

# Get sessions
sessions = pkts.sessions()

# A filter example
newPkts = pkts.filter(lambda pkt: TCP in pkt and pkt[TCP].sport==80)

# Deleting an atribute (eg. checksum) from a packet
del pkt2.chksum

Useful links:

Some scripts:


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